Eddie’s Original Character (OC)
Creation Guide

This is your chance to step into a story with hundreds of thousands of fans, as an NPC!

Umm… why would I want to be an NPC?

Because you’re…

Infographic. Time to join the Neo Proletarian Community. Make your Neo Proletarian Community (NPC) OC and  join the fight for secondary characters’ rights!

Create your Neo Proletarian Community (NPC) OC!

Join the fight for secondary characters’ rights!

The NPCs are a union made up of everyday workers. They come from all different backgrounds and live in the three Shopping Districts that make up Metropia.

Whether they’re at work, or off the clock, NPCs help each other overcome the living Anime Tropes that plague the city, and the Main Character Syndrome ‘heroes’, who think they own it!

Create your OC and become an NPC. Tweet your own playful storyline, record your everyday adventures, and make a meaningful support network. Together, you and your fellow NPCs will fight for the rights of bystanders, civilians, and secondary characters EVERYWHERE!

Ready to join us?


Here’s what to do next:

  1. Choose your Shopping District.

  2. Take your Union ID in our “Photo” Booth below.

  3. Create your NPC OC Twitter Account!

    Then join the Discord:


Pssst! Don’t have an email address for a new Twitter account? 

You can use your current one! Just add “+NPC” to the end of your username.
(example: bob@555comic.com -> bob+NPC@555comic.com)


1️⃣ Choose your Shopping District

The Shopping District is your home base. Pick wisely – your decision determines the anime tropes you encounter, the arrogant main characters who live there, and the allies who will join you in the struggle against these pitiless protagonists.

Hyperstrike MegaMart

Full to the brim with swaggering heroes and stomping kaijus. Every day is a new opportunity… for a cocky teen protag to tell you how misunderstood they are.

Blossom Boulevard Shopping Center

Ripe with love triangles, botched confessions, and the power of friendship. Melodrama swims in the air… better have a tissue at the ready.

Terminal X:

Even the alley cats have tragic origin stories. Watch out for brooding anti-heroes, cruel criminal masterminds, and nihilistic mechs.... nightmare fuel inbound!

2️⃣ Take your Union ID Headshot in our Photo Booth.

Design and download your profile pic using the generator below, or draw your own. It’s your choice!

If you choose to draw your own, and want to signal you’re part of the Neo Proletarian Community (NPC), please follow the community approved color schemes and expressions.


3️⃣ Create your NPC OC Twitter Account

  1. Upload Union ID Headshot (Profile Pic)

  2. Add name and suffix (NPC-OC

  3. Fill out bio. Make sure to include these hashtags: #MetropiaNPC + your Shopping District Hashtag #BlossomMNPC | #HyperstrikeMNPC | #TerminalXMNPC

  4. Set your website to 555Comic.com/npc-oc

  5. Set location to Metropia

  6. Click on this link and be sure to follow @eddieededed and 3 other NPCs from your Shopping District.



Design your Profile Pic

Once you have your id and account, reply as your NPC-OC here:


Wanna chat first? Join the Discord: discord.gg/ESU2atty7Y

Need a banner? Pick one below!